Review Docket List

Showing results for Thursday, March 20, 2025
Defendant Case Number Offense Bond Amount
Barber, Mason L GS1065418 Burglary Veh. $7,500
Barber, Mason L GS1065419 Public Intox. $1,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065454 Poss.w/int.o/.5 grams-Sch.II $20,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065455 Poss.w/int.-Sch.II $10,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065456 Poss.w/int.-Sch.VI $10,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065457 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $2,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065458 Driv. Lic. Suspended $2,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065459 Wpn - Dang. Fel-poss.w/int. $10,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065460 Weapon - Felon Poss Firearm $25,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065461 Misd. Evading Arrest $2,500
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065462 Crim. Tresp.. $2,000
Bell, Dejuan Addidas GS1065463 Theft of Firearm $10,000
Blair, Jeremy Levon GS1064387 Agg Assault - Strangulation $20,000
Blair, Jeremy Levon GS1064388 Agg. Kidnapping $30,000
Bolton, Daniel Otis GS1065502 Crim. Tresp.. $1,000
Bush, Harvey Lee GS1065385 DUI $3,000
Bush, Harvey Lee GS1065386 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $1,000
Bush, Harvey Lee GS1065387 Ins.-evid of compliance- traff $500
Bush, Harvey Lee GS1065388 Unreg. Veh. $500
Bush, Harvey Lee GS1065389 Use Fale Plate $2,500
Butler, Ricky GS1031207 Vio. Comm. Sup. $3,000
Butler, Ricky L GS1048880 Vio. Comm. Sup. $1,500
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064036 Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon $25,000
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064037 Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon $25,000
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064038 Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon $25,000
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064039 Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon $25,000
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064040 Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon $25,000
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064041 Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon $25,000
Campbell, Teresita Y GS1064042 Reck. End. $5,000
Garrett, Joshua Allen GS1042295 Asl, Dom Bod Inju $2,000
Hahn, Ryan Alexander GS1065473 Theft of Firearm $7,500
Hahn, Ryan Alexander GS1065474 Weapon - Felon Poss $7,500
Hahn, Ryan Alexander GS1065475 Wpn - Dang. Fel-poss.w/int. $15,000
Hahn, Ryan Alexander GS1065476 Poss. w/Int Fentanyl .5 gr or $45,000
Hernandez-Jacinto, Baltazar GS1065510 DUI $7,500
Johnson, Ricky Darnell GS1055489 Vio. Comm. Sup. $5,000
Johnson, William Courtney GS895082 Theft $1,000 or less $0
Johnson, William Courtney GS929000 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $0
Mason, Emanuel Sherwood GS1065440 Misd. Evading Arrest $2,000
Mason, Emanuel Sherwood GS1065441 Identity Theft $10,000
Mason, Emanuel Sherwood GS1065442 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $2,000
Mason, Emanuel Sherwood GS1065443 Poss.or Casual Exch. $2,000
Mason, Emanuel Sherwood SCE415518 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $1,000
Payton, Larry Jr GS1065395 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $500
Payton, Larry Jr GS1065396 Tampering w/Evid. $2,000
Rodriguez, Maria Torris GS1065561 Unauth.Use Mtr.Veh-Joyriding $1,000
Rodriguez, Maria Torris GS1065562 Crim. Impersonation $500
Rodriguez, Maria Torris GS1065563 Poss.or Casual Exch. $1,000
Sawyers, Christina L GS1065468 Agg. Rob. $50,000
Sawyers, Christina L GS1065469 Poss.or Casual Exch. $1,000
Sawyers, Christina L GS1065470 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $1,000
Smith, Sadarious K GS1009447 Assault $0
Strickland, Kenneth No GS1057840 Identity Theft $10,000
Strickland, Kenneth No GS1063937 Theft $10,000 or>but< $60,000 $15,000
Strickland, Kenneth No GS1063938 Identity Theft $7,500
Strickland, Kenneth No GS1063939 Identity Theft $7,500
Strickland, Kenneth No GS1063940 Driv. Lic. Suspended $500
Teran, Rebekah Ann GS1053903 Assault-Law Enf.-Off Cont $5,000
Teran, Rebekah Ann GS1053933 Theft $60,000 to $250,000 $30,000
Teran, Rebekah Ann GS1053934 Theft $1,000 or less $3,000
Teran, Rebekah Ann GS1053935 Theft $1,000 or less $3,000
Teran, Rebekah Ann GS1053936 Theft $1,000 or less $3,000
Teran, Rebekah Ann GS1053937 Poss.or Casual Exch. $5,000
Thompson, John Matthew GS1065579 Revoked License, 2nd Off $1,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1031501 Theft $1,000 or less $1,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1033479 Theft $1,000 or less $1,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1033480 Theft $1,000 or less $1,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1037212 Theft of Firearm $3,500
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1065410 Theft $10,000 or>but< $60,000 $5,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1065411 Misd. Evading Arrest $1,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1065412 Poss.or Casual Exch. $2,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1065413 Poss.or Casual Exch. $1,000
Wilson, Dylan Blake GS1065414 Unl.Use Dr. Paraph. $1,000
Showing results for Thursday, March 20, 2025
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