Defendant Bond Mailing Addresses

Showing results for Saturday, March 22, 2025
Defendant Case Number OCA Address Bond Company TCA Number TCA Description
Almahasneh, Adwayah GS1065802 634502 600 WHISPERING HILLS DR
nashville, TN 37211
Pretrial 39-13-101(a)(2) Assault
Bull, Cody GS1065813 634505 3006 S ROAN ST
Johnson City, TN 37601
Pretrial 39-17-305 Disorderly Conduct
Choc Juarez, Manuel GS1065840 634512 305 MILLWOOD DR
nashville, TN 37217
ROR 55-10-416 Open Cont.
Choc Juarez, Manuel GS1065839 634512 305 MILLWOOD DR
nashville, TN 37217
ROR 55-10-406 Implied Consent-Civil
Cohen, Asher GS1065828 634507 180 EAST 79 ST
New York City, NY 10075
Pretrial 39-14-405 Crim. Tresp..
Cohen, Asher GS1065827 634507 180 EAST 79 ST
New York City, NY 10075
Pretrial 39-13-101(a)(1) Assault
Cohen, Asher GS1065826 634507 180 EAST 79 ST
New York City, NY 10075
Pretrial 1-3-113 Consumpt. Alc. < 21
Cohen, Asher GS1065829 634507 180 EAST 79 ST
New York City, NY 10075
Pretrial 39-17-310 Public Intox.
Cole, Alteisha GS1027274 624943 1000 REMINGTON PARK RD
Hermitage,Tn, TN 37076
1 Hour Bonding 39-14-146*8 Theft $1,000 or less
Cole, Alteisha GS1029827 624943 1000 REMINGTON PARK RD
Hermitage,Tn, TN 37076
1 Hour Bonding 39-14-146*8 Theft $1,000 or less
Desvignes, Kedan GS1065833 596797 908 ARBOR LAKE BLVD
Hermitage,Tn, TN 37076
ROR 55-10-416 Open Cont.
Glenn, Stephen GS1065817 464022 1307 OLD COACH RD
Hermitage,Tn, TN 37076
Rader 39-17-305 Disorderly Conduct
Glenn, Stephen GS1065816 464022 1307 OLD COACH RD
Hermitage,Tn, TN 37076
Rader 39-13-116(a)(2)*2 Assault-Law Enf.-Off Cont
Glenn, Stephen GS1065818 464022 1307 OLD COACH RD
Hermitage,Tn, TN 37076
Rader 39-17-310 Public Intox.
Reed, Elexus GS1049657 554347 3410 FAWNWOOD PL
nashville, TN 37207
1st Stop Bonding ASC 39-14-146*8 Theft $1,000 or less
Rodriguez, Angeles GS1065838 634510 4024 N RIDGEVIEW DR
Inaianapolis, IN 46226
ROR 55-10-406 Implied Consent-Civil
Strohkirch, James GS1065810 634503 1521 N 63RD TER
Arkansas City, KS 66102
Pretrial 39-17-310 Public Intox.
Strohkirch, James GS1065811 634503 1521 N 63RD TER
Arkansas City, KS 66102
Pretrial 39-17-418 Poss.or Casual Exch.
Strohkirch, James GS1065809 634503 1521 N 63RD TER
Arkansas City, KS 66102
Pretrial 39-17-305 Disorderly Conduct
Velasco Riera, Joelvis Jose GS1065815 632191 316 MYATT DR
Madisonge, TN 37115
ROR 55-10-406 Implied Consent-Civil
Showing results for Saturday, March 22, 2025
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